Zercepac Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


accord healthcare s.l.u. - trastuzumab - breast neoplasms; stomach neoplasms - aġenti antineoplastiċi - breast cancermetastatic breast cancer zercepac is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with her2 positive metastatic breast cancer (mbc):as monotherapy for the treatment of those patients who have received at least two chemotherapy regimens for their metastatic disease. l-kimoterapija qabel, għandu jinkludi mill-inqas anthracycline u taxane sakemm il-pazjenti mhumiex tajbin għal dawn it-trattamenti. l-ormon tat pożittiv għar-riċetturi tal-pazjenti għandhom ukoll ikunu fallew it-terapija ormonali, sakemm il-pazjenti mhumiex tajbin għal dawn it-trattamenti.                      in combination with paclitaxel for the treatment of those patients who have not received chemotherapy for their metastatic disease and for whom an anthracycline is not suitable. flimkien ma 'docetaxel għall-kura ta' dawk il-pazjenti li ma rċevewx il-kimoterapija għal mard metastatiku. f'kumbinazzjoni ma 'inibitur aromatase għall-kura ta' pazjenti bl-ormon tat-pożittiv għar-riċettur mbc, li ma ġietx ikkurata qabel ma ' trastuzumab. early breast cancer zercepac is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with her2 positive early breast cancer (ebc). wara l-kirurġija, kemoterapija (miżjuda fil-bidu jew adjuvant) u r-radjuterapija (jekk applikabbli). wara kimoterapija awżiljarja ma 'doxorubicin u cyclophosphamide, f'kombinazzjoni ma' paclitaxel jew docetaxel. flimkien mal-kimoterapija awżiljarja li jikkonsisti ta ' docetaxel u carboplatin. in combination with neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by adjuvant zercepac therapy, for locally advanced (including inflammatory) disease or tumours > 2 cm in diameter. zercepac should only be used in patients with metastatic or early breast cancer whose tumours have either her2 overexpression or her2 gene amplification as determined by an accurate and validated assay. metastatic gastric cancer zercepac in combination with capecitabine or 5-fluorouracil and cisplatin is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with her2 positive metastatic adenocarcinoma of the stomach or gastro-oesophageal junction who have not received prior anti-cancer treatment for their metastatic disease. zercepac should only be used in patients with metastatic gastric cancer (mgc) whose tumours have her2 overexpression as defined by ihc2+ and a confirmatory sish or fish result, or by an ihc 3+ result. 'assay preċiż u validat il-metodi għandhom jiġu użati.

Enerzair Breezhaler Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

enerzair breezhaler

novartis europharm limited - indacaterol, glycopyrronium bromide, mometasone - ażma - mediċini għall-imblokkar tal-passaġġ tan-nifs mard, - enerzair breezhaler is indicated as a maintenance treatment of asthma in adult patients not adequately controlled with a maintenance combination of a long acting beta2 agonist and a high dose of an inhaled corticosteroid who experienced one or more asthma exacerbations in the previous year.

Hepcludex Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


gilead sciences ireland uc - bulevirtide acetate - hepatitis d, chronic - antivirali għal użu sistemiku - hepcludex is indicated for the treatment of chronic hepatitis delta virus (hdv) infection in plasma (or serum) hdv-rna positive adult patients with compensated liver disease.

Nyvepria Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


pfizer europe ma eeig  - pegfilgrastim - newtropenja - immunostimulanti, - tnaqqis fit-tul tal-neutropenia u l-inċidenza tal-marda bid-deni neutropenia fil-pazjenti adulti ttrattati ċitotossiċi chemotherapy għall-malignancy (bl-eċċezzjoni ta ' kronika myeloid lewċemja u myelodysplastic sindromi).

Abiraterone Mylan Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

abiraterone mylan

mylan ireland limited - abiraterone acetate - neoplasmi prostatiċi - endocrine therapy, other hormone antagonists and related agents - abiraterone mylan is indicated with prednisone or prednisolone for:the treatment of newly diagnosed high risk metastatic hormone sensitive prostate cancer (mhspc) in adult men in combination with androgen deprivation therapy (adt). the treatment of metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (mcrpc) in adult men who are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic after failure of androgen deprivation therapy in whom chemotherapy is not yet clinically indicated. the treatment of mcrpc in adult men whose disease has progressed on or after a docetaxel based chemotherapy regimen.

Evrenzo Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


astellas pharma europe b.v. - roxadustat - anemia; kidney failure, chronic - preparazzjonijiet antianemiċi - evrenzo is indicated for treatment of adult patients with symptomatic anaemia associated with chronic kidney disease (ckd).

Abiraterone Krka Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

abiraterone krka

krka, d.d., novo mesto - abiraterone acetate - neoplasmi prostatiċi - terapija endokrinali - abiraterone krka is indicated with prednisone or prednisolone for:the treatment of newly diagnosed high risk metastatic hormone sensitive prostate cancer (mhspc) in adult men in combination with androgen deprivation therapy (adt) (see section 5. 1)the treatment of metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (mcrpc) in adult men who are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic after failure of androgen deprivation therapy in whom chemotherapy is not yet clinically indicated (see section 5. 1)the treatment of mcrpc in adult men whose disease has progressed on or after a docetaxel-based chemotherapy regimen.

Pombiliti Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


amicus therapeutics europe limited - cipaglucosidase alfa - mard tal-Ħażna tal-glukoġen tat-tip ii - oħra tal-passaġġ alimentari u tal-metaboliżmu-prodotti, - pombiliti (cipaglucosidase alfa) is a long-term enzyme replacement therapy used in combination with the enzyme stabiliser miglustat for the treatment of adults with late-onset pompe disease (acid α-glucosidase [gaa] deficiency).

Prepandemic Influenza Vaccine (H5N1) (Split Virion, Inactivated, Adjuvanted) GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

prepandemic influenza vaccine (h5n1) (split virion, inactivated, adjuvanted) glaxosmithkline biologicals

glaxosmithkline biologicals s.a. - virus tal-influwenza maqsuma, inattivat, li fih antiġen: razza użata bħala a / vietnam / 1194/2004 (h5n1) użata (nibrg-14) - influenza, human; immunization; disease outbreaks - vaċċini - immunizzazzjoni attiva kontra s-sottotip h5n1 tal-virus influwenza a.. din l-indikazzjoni hija bbażata fuq dejta ta 'immunoġeniċità minn individwi b'saħħithom mill-età ta' 18-il sena'l quddiem wara l-amministrazzjoni ta 'żewġ dożi ta' vaċċin ippreparati minn a/vietnam/1194/2004 nibrg-14 (h5n1) (ara sezzjoni 5. vaċċin għal influwenza prepandemika (h5n1) (virjon maqsum, mhux attivat, supplimentat) glaxosmithkline biologicals 3. 75 µg għandu jintuża skond gwida uffiċjali.

Enspryng Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


roche registration gmbh - satralizumab - neuromyelitis optica - immunosoppressanti - satralizumab (enspryng) is indicated as a monotherapy or in combination with immunosuppressive therapy (ist) for the treatment of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (nmosd) in adult and adolescent patients from 12 years of age who are anti-aquaporin-4 igg (aqp4-igg) seropositive.